Monday, June 14, 2010

If you’re horny and you know, it’s too damn bad…so says God

Seems that the bible pounders just want to control every aspect of your life.
They even want to know what you’re doing in your bedroom.
Funny thing is, they don’t want the government to pry into their business. But because “God” is on their “side” they assume they have the right to stick their noses into everyone personal and private business.
It’s the same with the abortion issue. They honestly believe it’s their duty to intervene in a persons private matters. And if need be, some of them will actually kill to do so.
And have.
And will do so again.
“God” is on their side…..
Kinda like to rival sports teams praying to defeat the other prior to the game. I still haven’t figured that one out….
So here it comes with a women, who is married, had sex with her husband, BEFORE THEY WERE MARRIED!
So what?
Well here’s the “what.” It cost her her job as a teacher in a “Christian” school.
Seems pre-marital sex was a no-no. I’m sure every employee there including some of the students have never ever masturbated, been sexually assaulted, abused, or had sex before they were married.
They must have ice machines in each office and classroom. Either that or everyone is medicated.
Saltpeter anyone?
I think the vast majority of these people have a lot of repressed issues.
It reminds me of a couple who had a daughter who was five. They made her wear a bra. A five year old child wearing a bra. Is it just me or were those people wound a bit too “tight?”

Well here’s the story. Let me know what you think.
Cynthia Tucker
Political commentary from Pulitzer Prize winner Cynthia Tucker

“Christian” school teacher gets fired for fornication — with her fiance

12:33 pm June 14, 2010, by ctucker
This morning, NBC’s Ann Curry interviewed a Florida woman, Jeretta Hamilton, who was fired from a private school for having sex with her fiance before marriage. The principal found out when she applied for maternity leave and he did the math — like folks used to do back in the 1950s. The termination letter told her to ”consider the testimony of the Lord.”
Hamilton may have a good case in federal court, but could she actually be surprised that a Christianist school gets in a snit over fornication? Isn’t that in its rule book (figuratively, if not literally?)
From NBC
Jarretta Hamilton and her husband of 16 months, Samuel Treftz, told TODAY’s Ann Curry Monday that the termination violated federal anti-discrimination laws. In addition, they allege in a pending lawsuit, the school’s principal, Jon Ennis, invaded Hamilton’s privacy by telling other teachers and the parents of her students the exact reason she was fired.
“When they let me go, they told the entire staff in a staff meeting that I had been fired and the reason why they let me go. And then they called all of my parents to my fourth-grade students and told them, as well,” Hamilton said.
Ennis declined to appear on TODAY, citing a lawsuit filed by Hamilton against the school. But in a pre-recorded report filed by NBC News’ Mike Taibbi, Ennis was asked if he stood by the firing. “Yes, absolutely,” he replied. . .
“I was only requesting a standard six weeks maternity leave and as the conversation progressed, he said, ‘I’m just trying to do the math here. When did you get married?’ ” Hamilton told Curry.
School principal Jon Ennis defends the teacher’s firing on moral grounds.
“I said Feb. 20,” she continued. “He said, ‘Well, did you conceive prior to marriage?’ I answered and I told him, ‘Yes.’ ”
A week later, she was notified that she was terminated. The school has asked Hamilton to withdraw her suit over her firing.
“Jarretta was asked not to return because of a moral issue that was disregarded, namely fornication, sex outside of marriage. The employment application, which she filled out, clearly states that as a leader before our students we require all teachers to maintain and communicate the values and purpose of our school.
“We request that Jarretta withdraw her complaint and consider the testimony of the Lord,” the letter concludes.
I hold no brief for schools such as this, where Christian fundamentalism overlooks much of Christ’s ministry — which focused on poverty and (yes, Glenn Beck) social justice — and emphasizes a narrow morality revolving largely around sex. But I do wonder how Ms. Hamilton could have been surprised by it, since she teaches there.
There are hundreds of thousands of schools all over the country with a religious orientation — Catholic schools, Episcopal schools, Methodist schools, Jewish schools and Greek Orthodox schools. They vary in their ecumenicism and their approach to religious instruction. Some require all students to attend a religious service; some don’t.
But those with “Christian” in the name are known for a very narrow reading of the Bible that eschews the teaching of evolution, celebrates militarism and denounces gay rights. I wouldn’t send my child to such a school, but it seems they ought to have a right to fire teachers for fornication if they choose.
But they should have included a morality clause in the contract.

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