Sunday, July 4, 2010


Today I did something that I only do for weddings and funerals: I went to a church.
A “relation” was celebrating their birthday and chose to do so at the church they attend. That’s fine. The gathering wasn’t religious in nature. No praying, or speaking in “tongues” nor was there any snake handling.
Having to answer “natures call” I headed off to the restroom.
Just before getting there I saw a flyer for the church’s summer camp for kids. Of course it was religious. But what really got me was that they used a cartoon on it’s cover.
Now it wasn’t the fact that they were using a cartoon on the cover, it was the cartoon they had chosen to use.
The cartoon was one that I’ve seen on various web pages and folders of atheists. And it is anti-religion.
So I am standing there looking at this flyer asking myself just why in world would they use such a thing?
Then it dawned on me.
The derogatory message the cartoon was sending was totally misunderstood by the person or people who chose to use it.
Now, there was a side of me that said I should bring this to these peoples attention. Then the other side said, that if they are as blind to the blatant meaning of the cartoon, would they even after being shown the real meaning, would they even then understand it?
Thinking about all those narrow minded people who are so wrapped up in their religion and their beliefs, I decided not too.
Just my little “jab” at their little world and their even smaller world view.

And here is the cartoon is at the top of the page....

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